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  • Writer's pictureRani

CRISIS Annual Celebration

Activity and Theme: CRISIS threw a festive celebration for members to mark their achievements. The conference centre was full and all members were full of energy.

The celebration started with a welcome introduction by host Michael de Groot and Elizl Cooke.

They shone light on the Homeless Forum achievements. Matt (Michael) gave his opening speech.  He said Crisis started in 2010. During its journey CRISIS made a huge difference in developing rights for Homeless people, especially street sleepers and drugs users. Matt also shared his worries about the rapid increase of 10,000 people alone (2017-2018) under the category of domestic violence. He is looking forward to do more campaigning about the council discharging their duty of care and looks forward to doing more advocacy on homeless root causes.

Mr. B gave heartbreaking testimony about his homeless journey and how CRISIS helped him. He become drug abuser after the death of his father. He is now working and do the plastering workshop for CRISIS. 

Mr. J had had no job, no benefits, no support and this caused him to leave serval properties across the city for 11 years.He had no ID following a burglary and through appealing to the home office thankfully Crises helped him to be British Citizen and get a house. 

Speaker Vincent, Pam and Laura explained about their other activities within  the community for Math carousel, Art Trips and Mentoring and Gardening. Certificate was distributed to course successors.

Upcoming Programs 

Wellbeing week: Psychology workshop Garding Life skill to Gain practical Skill in English Maths and ICT for everyday life. 

Continues to offer, advice, and guidance on education, training and volunteering. Also housing specialist advice and guidance for women's mental health counselling and support to find work and homes to rent.

What do I learned  and  want to share: 

At the end of the thanksgiving speech, they offered if someone is homeless or at the risk of becoming homeless, they can become a CRISIS member. Matt said that to them homeless meant sleeping on the streets or in a hostel, shelter refuge or National Asylum Seeker Support Accommodation. It also includes sofa surfing, B&B, a squat or they're temporary accommodation. Anybody who needs their support can call CRISIS Skylight Birmingham office on 01213487950.

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